Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Raising an open-minded, accepting teenage daughter is a whole new experience from raising an open minded accepting Child!

I've prided myself on raising my daughter as a beautiful hearted, open-minded, accepting of all people, young lady. Last night, I found out that perhaps I didn't do a completely awesome job after all. We were watching one of the singing shows...I don't normally watch them, so I don't know the names of them or what that one was called; you know...the ones that people go on to try to get a contract. Group of men were up there rapping, doing an absolutely amazing job when my 13 year old yells out "They were really good but they are REALLY ugly! Do you think they will still get picked?!" I was completely in shock. Here is my girl who I've always been honest with about so many things. She has been accepting of people with special needs, those who are GLBT, those who are different, she understands that people are people no matter their gender, sexuality, race, or religion. But then here are people that she didn't find to be physically attractive, so she automatically yells ugly?! How did I miss that one?!?! How did I miss that just because you personally do not find some one's looks appealing that it makes them ugly. Hopefully I got through to her. We sat down and I explained to her that Beauty is not on the outside, but on the inside. Just because some one's looks weren't her cup of tea, did not make that person ugly. I told her that there were people out there who thought those men were beautiful and that went for everyone. I explained to her that judging someone by their looks said way more about you than it does the person being judged. I explained to her that until you get to know someone, you can't decide whether they are ugly or beautiful and to remember that when choosing friends, or even partners when she gets to the age to be thinking of such things. I hope I did the right thing. I was completely thrown so I did my best with what I had to work with! I love my babies and want them to make up their own minds about their beliefs and feelings. I want them to be their own people but I would like for them to have open mindedness and acceptance to base those beliefs and feelings off of. Love my little family and learning as we grow together!

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